Are you having trouble finding and retaining talent for your entry-level jobs?
I see this all the time.
It’s hard to find talent that is willing to take on entry-level jobs that need more manual labor, offer less pay, and often require working odd hours.
This pain of hiring necessary, entry-level talent puts a strain on other employees. It can even force the business to have to reduce their hours of operation.
So how can you attract quality talent for your entry-level jobs?
Well, first we need to empathize with the job seeker.
Quite simply, if they can find a job that is better than yours (better pay, better hours, better growth opportunities), they are going to take it! Wouldn’t you?
Knowing this, you as the employer must make the entry-level job attractive to the job seeker.
Here is the 4-step process towards making your entry-level jobs more attractive to quality talent!
Interview current employees and find out which specific duties they like, and which are their least favorite.
Go back to your job ads for your entry-level positions. Update the job ad to include the variety of enjoyable and non-enjoyable tasks that your employees described to you. You want to be honest about the job, but you also want to make it attractive to the job seeker.
Make sure your job ad markets to the job seeker. Don’t be so rigid; get creative with the position. If you can’t increase pay, can you offer a more flexible schedule? What kind of growth opportunity can you offer to make an entry-level job more attractive?
Invite happy employees to spread the word about job openings through employee referral programs. When job seekers hear about a job opening from someone in their circle, they are more likely to apply rather than see the job ad on Indeed.
If you don’t structure your hiring process around marketing to the job seeker, then you will continue to have entry-level hiring pains.
If you need help writing or re-writing your job ads, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to schedule a quick call with you and get you on your way towards easier entry-level hiring!
Don’t waste any more time on applications from unqualified applicants. Our hiring system filters candidates for you! Tell us your dealbreakers and we screen for them.
Employers tend to focus on trying to get more applicants from job boards, however, where they need to focus their sourcing is within their own company.