
How To Get No More No-Shows!

Avoid No-Show Job Applicants with Hiring Assessments

One question I get quite often from our clients is…

Why are hiring assessments important?

Well, let me start by answering that question with another question.

Are you tired of job candidates turning into no-shows for their interviews? 

I have heard from so many clients about how frustrating it is to work through the hiring process with job candidates just to have them completely bail on their scheduled interview!

This is a huge waste of time for employers and depending on where they’re at in the hiring process, it can force them to have to start over back at square one.

So now let me present my first reason to you as to why hiring assessments are so important. 

I have found that employers who include a hiring assessment in their screening process are better able to weed out potential no-shows than those who skip this step.


Asking specific questions with a hiring assessment about things like…


-employment gaps

-recent unemployment collection

-employment loyalty


…can help weed out certain candidates who may be more likely to be no-shows and help employers with the decision of whom they choose to interview/hire.

This is just one way that hiring assessments can help you save time by screening out applicants before you even meet them.

However, the power of including hiring assessments in your hiring strategy extends beyond avoiding no-shows.

Hiring assessments can be tailored to filter for all sorts of qualities in candidates.

These science-backed assessments are a great way to get a clearer picture of who an applicant is, in conjunction with their resume.

They give employers a better idea of whether an applicant will fit their company culture and specific job role well. 

And overall, hiring employees that fit the company culture and job role increases productivity and reduces turnover.

In conclusion… 

Including hiring assessments in your screening process helps you increase your qualified applicant flow.

So what’s the easiest way to implement better screening processes within your hiring strategy?

A partnership with ApplicantPro.

We may be a bit biased, but we’re just that confident that we’re the solution you’re looking for to solve your hiring pains.

What does a partnership with ApplicantPro look like?

- We create a hiring assessment that is tailored to your specific wants and needs. 

-We use this screening process to source the best candidates for your job openings.

-We help you avoid turnover by hiring the right applicant the first time.  

-As we continue our partnership with you, we will offer advice on how to improve your hiring process further to reduce any and all of your hiring pains. 

In short, we do the work for you, and you get to save time and avoid frustrations!

If you’d like to learn more about the services ApplicantPro offers or have any questions about hiring, please do not hesitate to reply to this email. 

I’d love to set up a time to chat and start helping you reach your hiring goals.

As always, good luck hiring.

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